Registered Office Details
If you need a registered office address based in Manningtree we can help. For an annual fee you can list our address as your registered address on companies house, meaning you don't have to list your home address. We have a secure postbox and will accept your registered mail and either email you a scanned copy, mail forward the originals or keep them secure for convenient pick up as part of the fee.
A registered office address is the main ‘official’ address for the company where all official or legal correspondence for a limited company should be sent. This may include letters from HMRC, Companies House, the courts, the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), and Government Gateway. It’s been a legal requirement since 2006 for companies to have a registered office address.
Your registered office address must be a real address in the UK and you should be aware that it will be made publicly available through the Companies House website. Your company’s registered office is legally required to appear on all client correspondence and branded stationery, such as your business cards.
You or your accountant/agent will need to inform companies house of the change of registered address if you already have one registered with them. Annual fee starts from the date of booking and we will contact you to collect the details and method you wish mail to be forwarded.